Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sun-n-Fun 2009 Thursday

I uploaded some more pictures. The first few are from the runway overrun accident in the morning. I did not hear anything about this accident today, but I did hear that there was an engine out emergency at the beginning of the week and the pilot landed the plane on the highway nearby. I guess anytime you have this many planes in one spot something is bound to go wrong. I went to a forum on building a RV. The speaker has built 4 or 5 RV's from the RV3 up to the E-LSA RV12 he is working on now. The format of the forum was based on how the construction and kit quality has increased over the years. The RV12 kit even has predrilled holes in the skins AND the ribs. I met up with Brian, his dad, and his dad's friend for lunch. Brian's dad is who we are building the Zenith Aircraft Corp CH701 for. The first place we went after lunch was to the Zenith area to take a good look at the 701 and it's construction. I took a lot of pictures to help us with some of the assembly later down the road. We then walked through many of the vendors areas in the hangars and out near the flight line. We ended up going through the production airplane areas and took a good look at what I call my "Lottery Planes" For only $4995.00 a month you to can have a new Cessna 400 Corvalis Turbo. Not sure how many months the terms are for. I ended up at the Diamond display and ended up talking to the sales rep that covers the Ohio area.

At around 6:00 pm I had had enough and I headed back to the parking area. I couldn't be in Florida this close to the Gulf without getting my feet wet, so I headed to Clearwater Beach to see the sunset while standing in the Gulf of Mexico. What a beautiful ending to the day.

Tomorrow I'll be at the show again all day, but Saturday I have a demonstration ride booked in an RV7A in Plant City. I'm going to try to head back to Sun-n-Fun after my flight but it will depend on timing because I'm flying back home out of Tampa around 4:30 pm.

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